
Draft document: Recommendations
Submitted by J Brown, PCAH - Parents Concerned About Hinkley
Commenting on behalf of the organisation

The ICRP should always adopt the precautionary principle. There should be absolutely no exemptions in regulation of nuclear emissions of any kind from any nuclear installation wherever it might be. The ICRP is not qualified to decide safe levels of radiation exposure for members of the public and there should be protection for the most vulnerable people. Burnham-on-Sea is directly downwind of Hinkley Point nuclear power stations and for the past 40 years we have suffered from excess cancers including prostate, breast, leukaemias, Hodkins lymphoma; endocrine disruption resulting in diabetes in children and adults who are not overwieght and have no family history of the illness, thyroid problems; higher skin cancer rates than in Australia, reduced life expectancy from so far unidentified causes. This has been known for many years and no decisions should be taken before everyone concerned has fully studied the following publications and taken their recommendations into account. ECRR Chernobyl: 20 Years On ECRR 2003 Recommendations of the European Committee on Radiation Risk. CERRIE Minority Report 2004 Examining Radiation Risk from Internal Emitters Cancer Mortality and Proximity to Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station in Somerset 1995-1998 Cancer Mortality and Proximity to Oldbury Nuclear Power Station in Gloucestershire 1995-1999 Cancer Mortality and Proximity to Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station in Somerset 1995-1998 Wings of Death by Dr Chris Busby All these publications can be sourced from the Low Level Radiation Campaign website.
